Live Love and Laugh
Hop Hop has a new joke every week, just to make you laugh
Follow Hop Hop on FB and You Tube and spread the laughter.
Hop Hop vertelt moppen. Sinds 2015 heeft zij haar eigen YouTube kanaal en FB site. Please become a member on the You Tube channel and spread the laughter. The world needs a bit more laughter.
Elderly lady telling jokes. Oudere dame vrouw die moppen vertelt. Jokes. Hop Hop jokes. hophop is geweldig hop hop en Hop Hop vertelt grapjes, elke week een mop. Op Facebook FB. en You Tube. so funny
Our favourite Joke
this week:
Tell us what your favourite Hop Hop joke is, and win a Hop Hop T-shirt.
Go to: All jokes in a row and pick the one you like best.
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